Global Reach
It’s a small world. As a leading independent Finnish law firm based in Finland, London and New York, we work together with other highly regarded law firms across the globe that share our commitment to excellence. Our extensive global network of high-end law firms guarantees that we are the most effective legal partner across all jurisdictions for our clients.
Our New York office is your window to business in the US. We offer a convenient gateway for US companies looking to invest and do business in the Finnish and Nordic territories. In addition, we provide specific US legal services for select corporate clients looking to enter the US market.
Borenius London acts as your gateway to legal services and business networks between Finland and the major European financial centre. Many of our good legal, banking and investor sector clients conduct their Nordic business out of London. Through an office in London we will be able to intensify cooperation with many of the world’s leading law firms, banks and clients.
Our China Desk advises both Chinese and international clients on legal matters relating to China and provides services based on an in-depth understanding of both Chinese and Finnish legal systems and business.
Borenius’ Nordic Desk advises both Nordic and international clients on legal matters involving the Nordic countries. We have direct access to an extensive Nordic network of legal professionals that we consistently engage and collaborate with on cross-border matters. This enables us to provide the best solutions that are tailored to our clients’ needs.
Global Network
Need an international perspective? Our global presence is built on our own London and US offices and our Chinese, and Nordic desk supporting inbound and outbound clients together with a network of leading independent law firms in these and other jurisdictions.
As an independent law firm, we value our personal relationships with our global network of select highly regarded law firms in each jurisdiction. Many of our lawyers have experience working as a visiting lawyer at top-tier law firms abroad, and we encourage our associates to gain international experience by visiting our foreign offices and market-leading international firms.
We actively participate in the activities of the International Bar Association (IBA) and the International Association of Young Lawyers (AIJA) and encourage our people to take part in the important committee work of these organisations. A key component of our global network is the IBA, the world’s leading organisation of international legal practitioners, bar associations and law societies. Our professionals benefit greatly from the opportunity to network with other lawyers from all over the world, ensuring that we have access to all the latest phenomena affecting the legal world.
Our up-and-coming lawyers are active members of AIJA. As a firm, we feel that networking with the brightest talent of tomorrow enables us to connect you with the most innovative global legal professionals that best suit your needs.
Taxand, the world’s largest independent organisation of tax advisors, is an essential part of our global tax network. We have been selected as the only Finnish member of the organisation. Our membership gives us excellent capabilities to carry out tax assignments with a global aspect for our clients. It has also introduced us to a global pool of extremely talented people and allowed us to network extensively with professionals from other countries.