References/9 Feb 2021

Borenius advised S-Pankki on the sale of a major residential real estate portfolio

We advised FIM Asuntorahasto I Ky and FIM Asuntotuotto Erikoissijoitusrahasto on the sale of a residential real estate portfolio to a fund managed by Avara. The portfolio comprises almost 400 apartments.

The sellers are funds managed by FIM, a fund and investment management company owned by S-Pankki. The transaction served as a successful exit for FIM Asuntorahasto I, and it ended the said fund’s investment period. The target properties are located in Southern Finland, primarily in the Helsinki metropolitan area.

Avara is a leading Finnish investment management organisation that specialises in rental apartment portfolios and funds.

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Paulus Hidén



Henri Ruotsalainen



Jill Winter

Senior Associate
