References/10 Dec 2019
Borenius advised Technopolis on the sale of its Mediapolis and Medipolis campuses to Hemfosa
We advised Technopolis on the sale of its Mediapolis campus in Tampere and its Medipolis campus in Oulu to Hemfosa. Yle, the Finnish public service media company, is the main tenant of the Mediapolis campus, while the Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District is the main tenant of the Medipolis campus.
The campuses have a total leasable area of 42,000 sqm, and the Oulu campus features an additional 9,600 sqm in unused building rights.
Technopolis is an expert in shared workspaces. Technopolis provides efficient and flexible offices, coworking spaces, and everything that goes with them. Its services run from designing workspaces to reception, meeting solutions, restaurants and cleaning. The 14 campuses of Technopolis host 1,300 companies with 45,000 employees in six countries within Northern Europe.
Hemfosa is one of the largest private owners of community service properties in Sweden and the only listed property company with this specialisation. This gives Hemfosa a unique position on its markets – Sweden, Norway and Finland. Hemfosa’s premises are the workplace for police officers, teachers and doctors, among others, and Hemfosa works actively to adapt its properties to their needs, enabling them to contribute to a sustainable society.
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