News/7 Jan 2020
Borenius to Open a Representative Office in London
We are thrilled to announce that we are opening a new representative office in the City of London on 13 January 2020, which makes us the only large Finnish law firm to have an office in London. This unique opportunity enables us to provide more comprehensive and global services to our clients in addition to New York and St. Petersburg as it brings us up to five offices in four different countries.
“We see London as the key feeder market for us outside of Finland as about 50% of our revenue in any given year is sourced from abroad. Many of our good legal, banking and investor sector clients conduct their Nordic business out of London. Similarly, our current presence in New York and my own work experience from London and New York have demonstrated to us how intertwined the London and New York markets are. The key is being relevant to your clients in today’s international legal markets. We think that this is best achieved through cooperation with the other leading independent firms around the world”, says Juha Koponen, the Partner in charge of our London representative office.
Our London representative office will be located at Paternoster House, 65 St Paul’s Churchyard. This convenient location right in the heart of the City of London enables us to host client visits and meetings close to where many of our clients are located.
“We opened our New York representative office in 2012. That has been a great success and our decision to open a representative office in London builds on this experience. Timing-wise, we are entering London at an interesting moment as we are sure that many of our Finnish clients continue to have Brexit related questions. We look forward to working on those matters with English qualified law firms”, concludes Casper Herler, Managing Partner.
Global Recognition in Support of Opening our Representative Office in London
We are the 2019 winners of both the “Best Nordic Law Firm Award” awarded by The Lawyer European Awards and the “Most Innovative Finnish Law Firm Award” awarded by the IFLR Europe Awards. These prestigious awards were granted to us based on our strategic vision and cross-border capabilities together with our consistent excellence in the delivery of legal services both in the Nordics and in New York.
In addition, we are consistently ranked as a top tier firm in Finland by all leading legal directories, such as Chambers and Partners (Global and Europe), IFLR1000 and The Legal 500.
Law Firm of the Year The Nordics
“This is a small firm punching at premium level globally through a very focused engagement with the top-level firms and clients in London, New York and beyond.”
– The Lawyer European Awards 2019
Most Innovative Firm of the Year Finland
“This firm is able to drive and execute the most innovative and complex cross-border deals on the Finnish market.”
– IFLR Europe Awards 2019
Borenius is one of the largest and most prominent law firms in Finland. With over 120 lawyers, we provide significant value to our corporate clients through our full-practice offering of high-end legal services. Our commitment to our clients’ success is firmly grounded in strong expertise, innovation, long-term commitment, and genuine involvement in our clients’ business. As a leading independent Finnish law firm with a presence in St. Petersburg, London and New York, we work together with other highly regarded law firms across the globe that share our commitment to excellent service and quality. We are the law firm patron member of the Finnish-British Chamber of Commerce in London and an active member of the Finnish American Chamber of Commerce in New York.
London Representative Office
Borenius Attorneys Ltd
Paternoster House
65 St. Paul’s Churchyard
London EC4M 8AB, United Kingdom
+44 20 7920 3010
Additional information