Appointments, News/2 Aug 2021

Annika Smalén Appointed as Senior Associate

We are happy to announce that Annika Smalén has joined our Restructuring & Insolvency team!

Annika specialises in insolvency law and dispute resolution, and she has extensive knowledge of bankruptcies and restructuring proceedings.

“I am absolutely thrilled to see Annika join our ranks. Annika has over ten years of experience in advising companies, creditors, lenders and other stakeholders on restructuring and insolvency related assignments. In addition to working as an attorney, Annika has also had the chance to experience how insolvency practitioners handle R&I matters from the other side of the table as she has previously both served in court and worked at the Bankruptcy Ombudsman’s Office” says Robert Peldán, Partner & Head of the Restructuring & Insolvency team.

Welcome to the team, Annika!

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Annika Smalén

