References/15 Sep 2016

Borenius advised Citycon in its EUR 350 million Eurobond offering

We advised Citycon in its EUR 350 million Eurobond offering. Borenius acted as the Finnish counsel to Citycon Group and more specifically to the guarantor and parent of the group, Citycon Oyj. The 10-year guaranteed euro-denominated bond was oversubscribed more than 6 times. Barclays, Danske Bank, Deutsche Bank and Nordea acted as joint lead managers. Borenius worked together with Shearman & Sterling (London) LLP, who acted as Citycon Group’s English law counsel. The joint lead managers were represented by Allen & Overy LLP.

Citycon Oyj (Nasdaq Helsinki: CTY1S) is a leading owner, developer and manager of urban grocery-anchored shopping centres in the Nordic and Baltic regions, managing assets that total EUR 4.7 billion and with market capitalisation of close to EUR 2 billion.

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Juha Koponen


Helsinki, London, New York


Einari Karhu

