References/18 Jun 2024
Borenius provides Finnish legal advice to Topdanmark A/S on Sampo plc’s recommended public exchange offer for the shares in Topdanmark A/S
We are currently advising Topdanmark A/S on the Finnish legal aspects in Sampo plc’s recommended public exchange offer for all issued and outstanding shares in Topdanmark A/S. The exchange offer, which values the entire outstanding share capital of Topdanmark A/S at DKK 33 billion, is expected to be completed in September 2024. Upon completion, the class A shares of Sampo plc are to be admitted to trading on the official list of Nasdaq Copenhagen.
Topdanmark A/S, listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen, is one of the largest Danish P&C insurers with a market share of 15 percent of the Danish P&C insurance market. The company focuses on the private and SME markets, with 500,000 private customers to which it offers a full range of insurance products, with its main products being motor, home, and contents insurance. Sampo plc is a leading P&C insurer in the Nordic region, and the only insurer to offer services across all Nordic countries, customer segments and products. The Group is also a major operator in the growing digital P&C insurance market in the UK.
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